Before starting the application, please read the attached document, which has important information about the CPP training process.

Instructions: This application should be completed collaboratively by the agency director and CPP trainee. Only one application per agency will be required. You can save this application and return later to complete it.

Please note:

1. Applications for practitioners who are currently involved in another ARBEST evidence-based therapy training (i.e. TF-CBT, PCIT, or CPT) will not be considered.

2. Within CPP training, each trainee must be designated as either a Supervisor or Therapist. For groups of trainees from the same agency, at least one trainee must be designated as a Supervisor. Supervisors typically have more clinical experience and may already be in a leadership or supervisory role within their agency (though this is not mandatory). Supervisors attend one more consultation call per month, but have fewer case requirements. If you are the only trainee from your agency, you can elect to participate as a Therapist or Supervisor (who will help facilitate supervision for a collective of clinicians across agencies).

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